The Fascinating Physics of Ormus (Orbitally Rearranged Monatomic Elements)

Written by Ian-Andrew
June 16, 2023

The Physics of Orme’s (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements)

In the vast realm of scientific exploration, there exists a captivating and enigmatic field that pushes the boundaries of conventional understanding. Welcome to the intriguing world of Orme’s, an acronym for Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements.

Orme’s, also known as ORMUS or M-state materials, represents a fascinating branch of scientific inquiry that delves into the extraordinary properties of exotic matter. These elusive substances are composed of monoatomic elements, atoms that exist in a unique state where they are neither fully metallic nor fully non-metallic. In this remarkable state, these elements exhibit properties that defy traditional physics, opening doors to a realm of limitless possibilities.

Join us on a journey as we embark on an exploration of the science of Orme’s. Step into a realm where matter dances on the edge of reality, defying conventional laws and challenging our understanding of the fundamental nature of the universe.

In our quest to understand the physics of Orme’s, we will unravel the mysterious phenomena that surround these extraordinary elements. From their perplexing behavior at the quantum level to their potential applications in various fields, we will uncover the hidden secrets that lie within their atomic structure.

Prepare to be captivated as we delve into the cutting-edge research and theories that seek to shed light on the intricate mechanisms behind Orme’s. Explore the intriguing realms of quantum entanglement, superconductivity, and the potential for accessing higher dimensions through the manipulation of these exceptional materials. Join us on this captivating journey.

So, dare to venture into the captivating world of Orme’s, where the boundaries of physics are stretched, and the wonders of exotic matter await.

Welcome to the captivating science of Orme’s – where the ordinary becomes extraordinary, and the frontiers of knowledge expand beyond our wildest imagination.

Key Takeaways

  • ORMUS based on quantum physics may exhibit superconductivity as they approach the Zero-Point Energy.
  • The Zero-Point Energy arises from an orthogonal electric flux from a fourth (or higher) spatial dimension and is omnidirectional within our universe.
  • Superconductivity involves pairing of conduction electrons to form a macroscopic quantum state and excludes all magnetic fields from their interior.
  • Physics and chemistry are coming together into a unified theory in ORMES, with relevant areas of study including nuclear shell structure, quantum size effects, and new superconductors.
the science of orme's

Definition of Orme’s


ORMUS, also known as Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements or M-state materials, comprises a fascinating group of substances that possess extraordinary properties. These include remarkable healing capabilities and the ability to exhibit superconductivity even at room temperature.

The belief is that these substances naturally exist, entrapped within the molecular structure of plants and certain mineral-rich volcanic soil. Moreover, they are found abundantly in our planet’s oceans. Despite its recent emergence, the study of ORMUS is still in its early stages, with ongoing research pushing the boundaries of scientific understanding.

Outlined below are some essential aspects to consider regarding ORMUS:

  • Firstly, it is important to acknowledge that ORMUS is a concept that encompasses a group of substances with exceptional properties.
  • These substances are speculated to be precious-metal elements existing in a unique non-metallic spin state, representing a distinct form of matter.
  • The rediscovery of these M-state elements stands at the forefront of cutting-edge scientific exploration.
  • Their superconductivity is believed to arise from the ability of high-spin atoms to transfer energy seamlessly from one atom to another, resulting in no net energy loss.
  • Delving into the world of ORMUS involves delving into the realms of state-of-the-art chemistry, physics, and biology, as it covers an extensive and multidisciplinary subject area.
  • Furthermore, these substances are considered stable, non-metallic, orbitally rearranged monoatomic transition elements carefully selected from a group that includes cobalt, nickel, copper, silver, gold, and others

Let’s delve into the physics of these intriguing elements!

The Alchemists’ Wisdom: Divide and Conquer

The ancient alchemists, driven by their pursuit of the “Great Work” – transmuting base metals into gold and attaining the Elixir of Life – believed that the key to success lay in the act of division. They emphasized the need to break free the atoms of an element from their structured lattice, enabling them to manifest extraordinary properties. Surprisingly, this wisdom still holds relevance today, especially when coupled with the principles of mainstream science.

In a remarkable article titled “Microclusters,” Michael A. Duncan and Dennis H. Rouvray highlight the transformative power of dividing matter into ever smaller aggregates. As a solid substance undergoes successive divisions, it sheds its characteristic solid traits, akin to the disappearing grin of the Cheshire cat, and gives rise to an entirely new phase of matter known as microclusters. These minuscule assemblages, consisting of just a few atoms up to a few hundred, pose intriguing questions about atomic reconfiguration when freed from the influence of neighboring atoms.

Unveiling the Secrets of Microclusters


Microclusters open up a world of possibilities in understanding the behavior of matter at the atomic level. One fundamental question that arises is the effect of cluster size on properties like electrical conductivity, which relies on the sharing of free electrons among atoms. How small must a cluster become before this electron sharing is disrupted or altered? At the extreme end, when a microcluster disintegrates into monoatomic elements where individual atoms exist independently, what novel physical characteristics emerge? Exploring these aspects promises fascinating insights into the behavior of matter.

Until recently, atoms were primarily viewed as social entities, with a strong inclination to bond with other atoms, particularly those of the same element. Take lead, for instance, whose atoms tend to cluster in groups of seven or ten. In fact, the ten-atom cluster also forms the basis of diamond’s crystalline structure. Carbon and silicon exhibit even more intricate arrangements, with silicon atoms organizing in 45-atom symmetries and carbon atoms congregating in 60-atom clusters, resembling a soccer ball known as buckminsterfullerene.

The stability of these clusters arises from the fact that certain configurations are more favorable than others. Stability plays a crucial role in physics and has a profound connection to the quantum property of spin.

Spin: The Key to Stability

spin the key to stability

Among the myriad concepts in atomic and subatomic physics, spin emerges as a fundamental property of matter. All elementary particles, such as electrons, protons, and neutrons, possess a spinning motion as they move through space and time. This spinning motion is deeply intertwined with the stability of atoms.

Consider two bound atoms. When subjected to high spin conditions, they form an elongated, dumbbell-shaped structure that could potentially lead to their separation. For a monoatomic element, achieving spherical symmetry becomes crucial for stability. Analogous to an out-of-round tire causing instability at high speeds, even slight departures from perfect spherical shape can make an atom highly unstable.

Unraveling Nuclear Models

Duncan and Rouvray discuss three nuclear models in their paper, which describe the nucleus comprehensively. These models are the Liquid-Drop Model by Niels Bohr, proposed in the 1940s, the Nuclear Shell Model by Maria Goeppert Mayer and Johannes H. D. Jenson in 1949, and the Collective Model, a variation of the liquid-drop concept.

These models recognize two types of interactions that shape the nucleus: the strong and electromagnetic forces. The strong force binds protons, neutrons, and nucleons together, acting over a short range. The electromagnetic force attracts unlike charged particles but repels like charged particles, exerting a weaker influence over a longer range.

The strength of these forces is crucial. Separating nucleons one fermi apart requires significant energy, while at a distance of 10 fermis, the energy needed is much lower. The Coulomb force, weaker than the strong nuclear force, becomes comparatively stronger as the distance between protons increases.

Understanding the relative strengths of these forces is essential. When a proton or a cluster of neutrons and protons moves away from the nucleus due to energy absorption, if the distance exceeds 10 fermis, the Coulomb force can overpower the strong nuclear force. This situation can lead to spontaneous fission of the nucleus.

Exploring Spontaneous Fission

How could such a situation arise? In the article “New Radioactivities” by Walter Greiner and Aurel Sandulescu, they explain how a large nucleus, resembling a liquid drop, can undergo vibrations and deform into two smaller connected drops. As the distance between these drops increases, the potential barrier decreases, allowing one of the drops to penetrate it if the energy of the resulting decay products is lower than the energy of the deformed nucleus.

The energy of a nucleus includes its binding energy, which holds it together, and the energy associated with the mass of protons and neutrons (E=mc²). The binding energy per nucleon varies for different elements, ranging from about 7 MeV for Helium-4 to 9 MeV for Iron-56. A high-energy nucleus can spontaneously transform into a lower-energy nucleus. Additionally, when the nucleus absorbs extra energy, it gains higher spin and increases the likelihood of spontaneous fission.

To understand how a high-spin nuclear liquid drop releases a portion of itself, we consider the structure and arrangement of protons and neutrons within the nucleus. Shells, similar to electron shell structures, exist, with specific numbers of protons and neutrons occupying them. These shells follow observed laws of quantum mechanics, including the Pauli Exclusion Principle.

The Enigmatic Pauli Exclusion Principle

pauli exclusion principle

Pauli’s Exclusion Principle states that no two protons, neutrons, or electrons can occupy the same energy state, except for different spins. Protons fill the lowest energy states in a nucleus, while neutrons occupy their own energy states. In atoms, electron levels are filled progressively based on energy. When two levels are far apart in energy, it indicates the closing of an atomic shell.

The sequence of electronic levels in atoms is determined experimentally and theoretically. The notation for these levels follows spectroscopy conventions, with each level allowing a specific number of electrons. These numbers correspond to different spin orientations. Noble gases in the Periodic Table, like Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon, and Radon, have closed electronic shells and exhibit chemical inertness.

Understanding Nuclear Shell Structure

Nuclear shell structure is complex due to the interplay between strong nuclear force and electromagnetic Coulomb force. This affects the spin and orbital angular momentum, causing energy levels to split unexpectedly. Completely filled shells make nuclei stable and spherical, like calcium and lead. Nuclei with “magic numbers” are exceptionally stable, while deviations from these numbers make structures less stable. Such instability increases the likelihood of spontaneous fission, called superasymmetric fission, where the departure from a spherical shape plays a significant role.

Unveiling Superdeformation of Nuclei

superdeformation of nuclei

The Collective Model suggests that when outer nucleons move relative to inner nucleons, the nucleus can deform. These deformations are usually small, with an elliptical shape. However, certain nuclei exhibit significant deformations, especially in high-spin cases.

Combining the physics of superdeformed, high-spin nuclei with microclusters yields interesting results. Clusters mostly consist of surface atoms and exhibit conductive properties when electrons are shared. Lone atoms grip electrons tightly compared to atom clusters with shared electrons, contributing to high nuclear spin. This is similar to an ice skater increasing their spin by pulling in their arms.

The connection between high-spin nuclei, monoatomic or microcluster states, and superconductivity is fascinating. High-spin conditions allow nuclei to effectively screen electrons, leading to Cooper pairing and superconductivity. Small superconductors and atomic nuclei with fewer electrons are strongly influenced by size effects.

Considering critical points from various papers, we can develop a concise theory:

  • Nuclei with unfilled shells deviate from spherical symmetry and are more likely to undergo significant deformation.
  • Certain elements have a higher tendency for deformation.
  • Monoatomic elements, free from surrounding matter, are even more prone to deformation based on their departure from a spherical shape.
  • These factors result in significant deformations and higher nuclear spin.

Probing High-Spin Nuclei

High-spin nuclear states exhibit properties similar to superconductivity. Magnetic fields around 700,000 gauss allow for energy transfer between nuclei without loss. Additionally, high-spin states can exist even without magnetic fields, potentially leading to superconductivity.

In these high-spin states, the outer charge of electrons in unfilled atomic shells becomes smeared, screening the electrons and enabling the formation of Cooper pairs. This transition from fermions to bosons, specifically photons, is known as Bose condensation. As a result, the nucleus is surrounded by light instead of electrons.

A paper by Mohit Randeria, Ji-Min Duan, and Lih-Yir Shieh explores the potential for superconductivity, combining bound states, Cooper pairing, and Bose condensation. They specifically focus on two-dimensional superconductivity, as many superconductors exhibit properties in this reduced dimensionality.

Incorporating two-dimensional physics will become significant in the subsequent discussion, connecting with another field of physics.

The Marvels of Superconductivity


Superconductivity occurs when certain materials are cooled to extremely low temperatures, near absolute zero. Under these conditions, conductors can become superconductors, exhibiting zero electrical resistance and perfect diamagnetism. This phenomenon involves the formation of Cooper pairs, which are pairs of conduction electrons bound together. These pairs condense to create a macroscopic quantum state.

The attraction between electrons that leads to the formation of Cooper pairs can be influenced by vibrations of the crystal lattice or fluctuations in electron spin. Spin plays a significant role in various atomic and subatomic activities, and a better understanding of spin could help explain the differences in superconductivity among different elements.

Organic and metallic superconductors have distinct characteristics. Organic superconductors display anisotropic conductivity, and their conductivity at room temperaturecorrelates with the critical temperature for superconductivity. Metallic superconductors, like Yttrium Barium Copper Oxide, can achieve high-temperature superconductivity through repeated heating and cooling processes.

Superconductivity relies on the presence of a fractional excess or deficiency of electrons in materials. The energy required to break apart a Cooper pair increases as the temperature approaches absolute zero. Superconductors exclude magnetic fields from their interior and demonstrate the Meissner effect, expelling pre-existing magnetic fields when transitioning to the superconducting state.

The Mysterious Meissner Effect

meissner effect

The Meissner effect is a result of superconductivity’s quantum nature. It occurs because the wave function of a superconductor must remain unchanged along any closed path within it. This effect is a consequence of flux quantization, where the phase change around the path must be a multiple of 2π.

Expelling a magnetic field from a superconductor requires energy. Magnetic levitation demonstrates this phenomenon, as a magnet can float above a superconductor when the upward force from field-expulsion energy balances gravity. The energy required to expel a magnetic field sets a limit on the field strength a superconductor can expel. Once the field-expulsion energy exceeds the superconductor’s stabilization energy, it loses superconductivity.

The Meissner effect is the definitive test for superconductivity, indicating that a superconductor does not allow magnetic potential within it. While an external magnetic field is initially needed for superconductivity to occur, once initiated, the superconductor can flow indefinitely without the external field.

Within a superconductor, there is no voltage potential and perfect amperage. To input energy into a superconductor, the vibrational frequency of electrons must match that of the superconductor, leading to the formation of Cooper pairs and the production of light. Extracting energy from the superconductor requires accessing its resonant vibrational frequency.

Superconductivity exhibits remarkable characteristics, such as being described as “liquid light flowing at the speed of sound.” The Meissner field acts as a non-polar magnetic field and functions as a perfect radiation shield. Spontaneous combustion and communication between touching superconductors are intriguing aspects.

Moreover, superconductor flow can levitate on Earth’s magnetic field, excluding all magnetic fields from its interior. In this state, superconductors may exist in their own world, with atoms acting collectively like a single atom, resonating with a specific frequency. According to Hudson, the atoms in the superconductor are coherent and resonate together, linked to a specific vibrational frequency, much like the single wavelength of lasers.

Zero-Point Energy and the World of Superstrings


Hudson’s experiments have revealed fascinating characteristics of superconductors. For example, monoatomic Iridium showed no gravitational attraction, as if it existed beyond space and time. Moreover, during the chemical isolation of certain precious metals, an initial weight loss of 44% was observed, aligning with predictions based on Zero Point Energy fluctuations. To understand the significance of this correlation, let’s explore two influential theories in modern physics: Superstrings and Zero Point Energy (ZPE). Despite their long existence, these theories remain at the forefront of advanced thinking.

According to Superstring Theory, all matter comes from the vibrating vacuum, forming tiny superstrings. These superstrings, on a minuscule scale, challenge our understanding of space and time. The vacuum’s significance is also vital in the concept of the Zero-Point Field (ZPF), an energy source beyond thermal effects. ZPF permeates our universe and connects to superconductivity.

Coherence in particles immersed in the ZPF is well-established in physics. The energy density of ZPF exceeds nuclear energy by a large margin. While electromagnetic, the origin of ZPF is theorized to be from a higher-dimensional electric flux. Essentially, an infinite amount of energy flows through our universe, occasionally organizing into elementary particles, shaping our universe.

Monoatomic Elements: A Paradigm Shift

In our quest to understand monoatomic elements and superconductivity, a groundbreaking article by H. E. Puthoff of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Austin, Texas, stands out. Titled “Gravity as a Zero-Point-Fluctuation Force”, Puthoff’s article explores a concept first proposed by A. D. Sakharov and develops a model that aligns with Sakharov’s original hypothesis.

Sakharov suggested that gravity is not a separate fundamental force but rather an effect induced by zero-point fluctuations (ZPFs) of the vacuum, similar to van der Waals and Casimir forces. Puthoff derives an expression for the interaction potential and notes that for two-dimensional motion, there is a 4/9 reduction compared to the general three-dimensional case.

Combining Puthoff’s calculations with the observation of two-dimensional superconductivity in materials like copper oxide and organic superconductors, Hudson proposes that a superconductor operating in two dimensions within the ZPF experiences a 4/9 reduction in gravitational interaction potential.

Another way to look at it is that quantum oscillations in a two-dimensional superconductor imply a 44.4% weight loss, in line with experimental observations. Hudson and others believe that these superconducting monoatomic elements have the ability to bend space-time.

The connection between monoatomic elements, superconductivity, and Zero-Point Energy is not just astonishing but highly significant. The agreement between theory and experiments in various quantum domains strongly supports the validity of these concepts.

It’s worth noting that following the announcement of “Cold Fusion” in 1989, scientists B. Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann reported observing a substance they called “white crude” in their original experiment. David Hudson suggests that this substance was actually monoatomic Rhodium and Iridium, indicating that Pons and Fleischmann’s observations were related to superconductivity rather than cold fusion.

Research in this field is still in its early stages, and scientists are actively exploring the quantum aspects of ORMES. Experimental techniques such as quantum entanglement measurements and quantum coherence spectroscopy are being employed to study the nature of ORMES and their connection to quantum physics. These investigations aim to unlock the secrets of ORMES’ exotic properties and pave the way for new advancements in quantum technologies.

In conclusion, the interplay between quantum physics and ORME’s physics offers a fascinating avenue of exploration. By understanding the behavior of matter at the atomic and subatomic levels, researchers are uncovering the hidden potentials of monoatomic elements and their connection to quantum phenomena. The quest to unravel the secrets of ORME’s continues, with the hope of not only expanding our knowledge of the fundamental nature of matter but also opening up new possibilities for technological advancements in the future.


About the Author


Denis Cooney making Ormus