The Electromagnetic Marvels of ORMUS

Written by Ian-Andrew
June 28, 2023

In the world of ORMUS materials, several individuals have reported intriguing electrical phenomena associated with their experiences. These phenomena range from surprising sparks and audible discharges to showers of electrical shocks and even the generation of personal weather systems. The connection between these electrical effects and ORMUS materials has piqued curiosity and prompted investigations into their underlying mechanisms. This article explores the fascinating world of electric ORMUS and delves into the various accounts and theories surrounding these phenomena.

What is Electromagnetism?

Electromagnetism, a fundamental branch of physics, explores the intricate dynamics of electromagnetic force, one of nature’s four primary forces. This force manifests as an interaction between charged particles through electromagnetic fields. Essentially, electromagnetism combines the realms of electrostatics and magnetism, which are distinct yet interconnected phenomena. It governs the interactions between atoms and molecules, binding electrons to the nucleus and shaping the overall structure of atomic nuclei.

At its core, electromagnetism involves the creation of a magnetic field through the introduction of current into a conductor. When an electrically charged conductor is in motion, it generates magnetic lines. For instance, when positive charges flow through a wire, a magnetic field forms along the wire. The direction of these magnetic lines and the resulting force can be determined using the Right-hand Rule.

Maxwell’s equations provide a comprehensive and elegant description of electromagnetism, albeit excluding the subatomic scale. However, in the 20th century, Einstein’s special relativity theory expanded the interpretation of Maxwell’s work. This theory merged electric and magnetic fields into a unified field and imposed a universal speed limit equal to that of electromagnetic radiation. Another crucial aspect of electromagnetism lies in the study of electricity itself, which encompasses the behavior of charge aggregates, including charge distribution within matter and charge motion across space.

Electromagnetism serves as the underlying force behind light waves, acting as the cohesive energy source that binds atoms and generating magnetic fields through electric currents. The movement of electric charges induces magnetic fields in their surrounding space, which can be harnessed to generate magnetic forces. In fact, the presence of electricity can transform certain materials into magnets, known as electromagnets.

Unveiling the Sparks: Personal Experiences

Gary Y., an enthusiast of ORMUS materials, shared his astonishing encounter with electrical discharge. When opening a bottle of ORMES (Orbitally Rearranged Monoatomic Elements), Gary experienced a sudden discharge that resembled the sound of a pistol shot.

This unexpected phenomenon caught the attention of his entire family. Similarly, another individual, Arthur, who produces a product called Liquid Chi, recounted a similar event involving a spark jumping to his finger as he removed the inner seal. Such personal experiences have sparked curiosity and raised questions about the electrical nature of ORMUS materials.

The Connection to Superconductivity

The accounts of electrical phenomena surrounding ORMUS materials have led some to speculate about a potential connection to superconductivity. It is proposed that when ORMUS substances become highly charged, they may reach the saturation point of the superconductive Meissner effect.

This could result in the discharge of electrical energy when the containers holding the ORMUS materials are opened. The presence of aluminum foil wrapping, which acts as an orgone accumulator, might enhance the energy concentration within the ORMUS materials.

The occurrence of electrical effects related to ORMUS materials has historical precedents. In 1989, Jim, a friend of the author, experienced a mining accident that triggered a series of electrical phenomena. After exposure to ozonated mine wastewater, Jim noticed electrical sparks hitting his skin every time he took a shower.

Even the simple act of urinating resulted in electrical sparks jumping between his toes and the bolts on the bottom of the toilet. These experiences led Jim to believe that the substance he encountered was some form of electric generator.

Jim’s experiences extended beyond electrical sparks and shocks. While taking a shower, he observed windows and doors blowing open and shut, as if stirred by invisible ionic winds. This phenomenon, dubbed the “ionic wind,” was accompanied by the sensation of air movement and electrical shocks when washing his hair. Jim’s accounts highlight the intricate relationship between ORMUS materials and their potential to generate extraordinary atmospheric effects.

Jim, intrigued by the electrical nature of the substance he had encountered, constructed a device to measure the electric fields associated with ORMUS materials. Using a field effect transistor (FET) charge meter, Jim could observe the flow of charged polymers around him.

These highly charged particles manifested as sparks, audible crackles, and even disrupted his sleep due to excessive static electricity. Jim’s inventive approach shed light on the energetic properties of ORMUS materials and their impact on the surrounding environment.

Parallels with the Ark of the Covenant

The remarkable electrical phenomena reported in connection with ORMUS materials bear intriguing similarities to ancient accounts of the Ark of the Covenant. According to Hudson and Gardner, the Ark’s presence generated a Meissner field, which allowed individuals in resonance with it to approach without perturbing the field.

However, those lacking resonance risked flux collapse, leading to voltage differences and potentially lethal electrical discharges. These parallels suggest a fascinating link between ORMUS materials and the ancient artifacts described in biblical texts.

Accounts of the Ark of the Covenant describe its ability to levitate and unleash destructive power. This intriguing aspect aligns with the experiences of individuals interacting with ORMUS materials.

Some researchers propose that the Ark contained a form of ORMUS material, which, when properly activated and resonating, could manifest levitation and energy release. These phenomena might be attributed to the unique properties of ORMUS materials and their interaction with electromagnetic fields.

Theoretical Explanations: Spin Networks and Energy Transmutation

The electrical effects associated with ORMUS materials have prompted various theoretical explanations. One such explanation is based on the concept of spin networks. According to this theory, ORMUS materials form interconnected networks of spinning atoms or ions, creating a coherent and resonant structure. These spin networks could interact with ambient electromagnetic fields, leading to the generation of electrical phenomena.

Another theoretical framework suggests that ORMUS materials have the ability to transmute energy from one form to another. In this view, ORMUS substances act as energetic catalysts, converting ambient energy into electrical energy. This energy transmutation process could explain the electrical effects observed when working with ORMUS materials.

Practical Applications: Energy Generation and Healing

The intriguing electrical properties of ORMUS materials have not only sparked theoretical discussions but have also raised the possibility of practical applications. Some enthusiasts and researchers have explored the potential of electric ORMUS for energy generation. It is theorized that harnessing the unique energetic properties of ORMUS materials could lead to novel energy sources or technologies.

Additionally, ORMUS materials have been associated with healing properties. It is believed that their electrical effects might play a role in stimulating the body’s energetic systems, promoting balance and well-being. Some individuals have reported therapeutic benefits when working with ORMUS substances, suggesting a potential avenue for exploration in the field of alternative medicine.


The world of electric ORMUS presents a captivating realm of phenomena and possibilities. From the sparks and discharges experienced when interacting with ORMUS materials to the creation of personal weather systems and the intriguing parallels with ancient artifacts, the electrical nature of ORMUS substances continues to fascinate researchers and enthusiasts alike. While further investigation is needed to unravel the underlying mechanisms and harness their potential, the exploration of electric ORMUS opens the door to exciting advancements in energy, healing, and our understanding of the mysteries of nature.

About the Author


Denis Cooney making Ormus