Ormus Gold Product reviews – The pure liquid mineral supplement

Ormus Gold Reviews

What Our Customers Are Saying

In the over ten years that Ormus Alchemy has been in business, we have received hundreds of review’s. While it would be impossible to publish them all, we thought it would be helpful to publish a few so that you can get a sense of some of the results that our customers have experienced and that you may experience.

Ormus Product Reviews

 “I felt the presence”

“My Ormus story is a profound one considering I have not even used/consumed the product just yet.

About six months ago I was visiting a friend and he took a small empty glass bottle from his kitchen cupboard and placed in on the bench. Unbeknown to me, my friend was keen to tell me about the usual contents of the bottle, his experiences while taking Ormus and how he recently ran out. At the time of all this, however, I was looking out the lounge room window admiring the garden and it was then that I was suddenly struck with a strong wave of energy that engulfed my whole body and aura. It honestly felt like all the cells in my body jumped awake. They were buzzing to be alive and it was as if they were responding to a higher power calling “Aaaaa-ten-tion”. I felt the presence of the small glass bottle well before I saw it! I know I am empathic and highly sensitive to energies however this was like no other experience I have felt. For the bottle to be empty and located in another room – my energetic response certainly got me interested. The truth is – this product is powerful and certainly does call for our attention. It is apparent we give Ormus the time and respect it deserves. I’m ordering my first “full” bottle of Ormus today. Thank you again Denis. Much love,

Myra Van Every

“Connecting To Higher Self Through Ormus Review”

“Denis of Oz’s Ormus is POTENT! From the first dose of a mere ½ teaspoon of the Mother of Abundance Ormus, I found myself waking up that evening, within my dream, and becoming joyfully aware that I was totally connected and at one with my higher self, in my heavenly sanctuary…

Quite literally, Ormus has further opened the channel between my physical self and my higher self and with great ease has also strengthened my connection to my Angels! I always look forward to bedtime, knowing with great joy that I will connect and integrate with my higher self and divinity, where I am always in a loving space and can learn anything I wish to learn! All I must do is state my purpose with gratitude, as I take my dose of Ormus.

Denis’s Ormus inspires me and enables me to be the best person I can be and to positively manifest what I want in my life. In simple terms, Denis’s Ormus is the vibration of universal love that enables people to access their divinity on Earth.

If you want to vibrate with the harmony of universal love, get some of Denis’s Ormus!
With love and light,”

Leonie, Cooma NSW, Australia

“So Many Benefits After Taking Self Regeneration Ormus”

“We started using the Ormus mainly because a friend recommend it to us as my husband was going through a health challenge with immune system dysfunction. We are of course following a powerful natural healing regime and he is getting back on track now and we do put that down inclusively with the Ormus.

I have noticed that my husband and I are much calmer and seem to be much clearer in our direction and thoughts.

We purchased the ‘Soul Family Pack’ Special and we have only finished the Self Regeneration so very much looking forward to more exciting progress. We didn’t notice anything profound when receiving our delivery, however after using the Self Regeneration Ormus things started to be attracted into our life, for example meeting profoundly appropriate people at the right moment and business opportunities being offered to us from very evolved people with new and exciting things for the healing and restoration of mankind!

I have noticed that my husband is so much more willing for deeper communication and we are much closer as a result.

Thanks Denis for your willingness to communicate and care that we get the results we desire. We have recommended your product now to a number of people and will continue to do so.

Warmest regards,” Jeni

 “Seven days after tacking “Soul Mate” ORMUS my future partner connected with me and bought one of his guides, a Medicine Man.”

Thought I’d share a further development re the Soul Mate ORMUS. As I said just days before receiving the Ormus from you I energetically connected with my life partner (Soul Mate). I had been shown him a year earlier and therefore knew of him, and his name.

However, the energetic connection was amazing. Then after taking your ORMUS I had another two energetic connection was – meant powerful. I have problems with my legs and ankles, while at a time makes it extremely painful to walk. Seven days after tacking “Soul Mate” ORMUS my future partner connected with me and bought one of his guides, a Medicine Man.

I can’t put into words how strong this was. It was actually happening and I felt it physically. The next morning upon waking I got out of bed with no pain and able to walk easily and effortlessly for the fist time in years. Keeps up the brilliant work. I give thanks everyday for you, and people like you. Love and gratitude,

Maureen Kavanach

 “I have received three offers of employment”

“I cannot thank you enough. Since receiving the 500ml bottle of Elixir of Life Ormus. So many things have occurred that have made my life better.
•Firstly, I have not even considered smoking since the first day that I began taking “Elixir of Life”.
•I have received three offers of employment that are better than the mine I’m in now.
•I have had great difficulty obtaining accommodation other than motels here in Darwin in the eight months that I have lived here. In the three weeks I have been using “Elixir of Life” I have been offered two units at reasonable rents in Darwin itself.
•Last Friday when I flew back in to Darwin, I checked my tattslotto ticket and was delighted to find that I have won $650.00.
•Two weeks ago, I got out of bed and without thinking got down and did ten push ups. This has increased to fifty twice a day. I have not exercised in ten years. I find myself enjoying these little workouts, and my body is already firming up, and looking better.
•This break I have been to the casino twice, each time winning more than $500.00. I really gambled but lately I have been just feeling LUCKY.
•I am sleeping better, feeling heather and thinking clearer than I have in many years.
•All thanks to you and your wonderful product. Elixir of life: Ormus is truly a life changing substance.

Sincerely yours, Peter Anderson

 “Out of a stressful relationship and in with a supportive mate”

“When you had told me that my world wouldn’t be the same afterwards. I scoffed.

Thanks for giving me the ‘DreamTime’ under pillow bottle 2 months ago Denis. Within a week of it being there, I had moved out of a stressful relationship and in with a supportive mate. Within two weeks I had struck some good money deals making many thousands! And suddenly I was beating a friend at tennis who ALWAYS beat me! I was focused and ‘In the Zone’! AND I was getting compliments from people saying “You look good, rested.” Mate, I swear this is true.

About this time I went to see a doctor about my high blood pressure/stress and my BP was back to a healthy 115 over 75. Amazingly, my resting heart rate had gone from 70 to 54. The lack of stress, increased focus, some financial success – it all happened after sleeping with your Ormus under my pillow. Was it magic? I can’t be sure, but with a healthy lack of skepticism, I’m now an Ormus fan. It has indeed changed my life.”

Corey, Gold Coast Queensland

“My energy level increased”

“Thank you, thank you, thank you. Where do I start, Thank you so much for the loving and healing energy that you have put into your ORMUS, my husband went down stairs this morning to make me a lemon and honey drink and returned with my parcel, feeling rather stuffy and weak I allowed the parcel to sit on the bed beside me, within minutes my heavy head began to feel rather light then my blocked stuffy nose started to run like a tap, my energy level increased then the urge to open the parcel took hold. I truly just wanted to bath in your Ormus and that is exactly what I did I filled the bath with warm water and added 5mls of white gold, then soaked away the bug not to mention so many other wonderful side affects were happening … Thank you 10 fold with many many blessings.



“Wow. you’re not kidding about it being powerful! I felt a vague high feeling just handling the package trying to open it! I took some immediately like you suggested, and my hands started being shaky and got a lightheadedness, a spinning out feel .. it was just so powerful! Thanks for sending it in time for today the 11th of the 11th. I took some more at 11.11am and it was great. I meditated at the same time, and just felt really “big”, like i was bigger than me, and heady. It was a great feeling

I haven’t felt that way before, and the ‘big-ness’ was fleeting, still, it was awesome. Thanks again for the good stuff!”

Vivienne … Adelaide, South Australia

“Ormus making genius”


Thank you for the Self Regeneration Ormus. You are a genius; the Ormus is already changing me even though I lost a bit of sleep first few nights after receiving it. I sure made up for it on the 4th day as the radiance and energy in my room overtook me and my mind went to places I never thought possible. My intuition is sharper than ever and have good luck following me everywhere. Thank you for making my life so unique now.

I feel a new strength within me that I never experienced before and I just l-o-v-e the Ormus and the impact it has on my life already. Thank you thank you for the miracle Ormus that is now my best friend.

Darryl D. (Australian Capital Territory)

Purchase one of our Best Selling Ormus Gold Products

Our product is truly one of a kind, offering something that our competitors’ generic formulations simply can’t. It targets specific frequencies to help you unlock the unlimited potential within yourself, giving you the wealth, relationships, abundance, prosperity, vitality, strength, immunity, focus, wisdom, understanding, success, joy, balance and harmony you need to find true freedom in life. We use only the highest quality ingredients and we guarantee it will give you all the tools you need to unleash your full power and reach greater heights than ever before!

self regeneration ormus is the face of vibrant good health

Self Regeneration

$97.22 – $257.22

The Ormus Alchemy brand is well known for its bonus ormus pack

Bonus Pack


Ormus Soul Family Pack brings greater levels of love within the family

Soul Family Pack

$97.22 – $257.22