How the Immune System Works to [Protect] Us from Infection

Written by Ian-Andrew
July 29, 2022

What is the immune system?

The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that helps the body fight infection. The immune system produces white blood cells to fight the infection.

When harmful microbes (tiny particles) enter and invade the body, the body produces white blood cells to fight the infection, which then attack and kill the microbes. The immune system also produces antibodies to help fight off future infections.

What are the components of the Immune system

There are four types of immunity- inborn, acquired, passive, and immunity given by vaccinations. Inborn immunity is defenses that people are born with. This can be either natural or artificial. Acquired immunity comes from vaccines and exposure to diseases. Passive immunity is protection that comes from another person, for example, when a newborn is temporarily immune to certain diseases because their mother has immunities. Immunity given by vaccinations is the most common type of acquired immunity. It occurs when a person is vaccinated against a disease and then they are immune to that disease.

White blood cells

The white blood cells are the key players in your immune system. They circulate in the blood and lymphatic vessels, constantly looking for pathogens.

The lymphatic system forms a network similar to the blood vessels. It carries lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell, throughout the body. The lymphocytes store in different places, known as lymphoid organs.

  • The thymus is a gland located behind the breastbone that is responsible for producing white blood cells known as lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are essential for immunity and can recognize and destroy infected or cancerous cells.
  • The spleen is one of the most important organs in the immune system. It is located at the upper left side of the abdomen and is where white blood cells gather and work together to fight infections.
  • Bone marrow is the soft tissue in the center of bones. It’s responsible for producing red and white blood cells, which are essential for immunity.


Antibodies are specialised proteins that bind to foreign invaders in the body, such as viruses, bacteria, fungus, and parasites. They are the “search” component of the immune system’s search and destroy system, charged with locating and destroying an enemy.

When antibodies locate their target, they connect to it, triggering a series of events that eradicate the invader. Antibodies are a component of the so-called “adaptive” immune system, which learns to recognise and kill specific diseases.

Complement system

The complement system is a biochemical cascade that attacks the surfaces of foreign cells. The complement system is made up of proteins whose actions complement the work done by antibodies.

The complement system is activated by complement binding to antibodies that have attached to these microbes or the binding of complement proteins to carbohydrates on the surfaces of microbes.

The speed of the response is a result of signal amplification that occurs after sequential proteolytic activation of complement molecules, which are also proteases.

After complement proteins initially bind to the microbe, they activate their protease activity, which in turn activates other complement proteases, and so on. This produces a catalytic cascade that amplifies the initial signal by controlled positive feedback.

Lymphatic system

The lymphatic system is a complex network of delicate tubes that are spread throughout the body. This system helps to manage fluid levels and react to bacteria. It also helps to absorb fats from the intestine, deal with cell products, and fight against cancer cells and immune system diseases. In short, the lymphatic system is important for keeping the body healthy and functioning properly.


The spleen is a multifunctional organ located in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity. It removes microbes and damaged blood cells from the circulation, destroys old red blood cells, and makes disease-fighting components of the immune system. The spleen also stores blood.

Bone marrow

The bone marrow is the spongy tissue inside your bones. It produces the red blood cells our bodies need to carry oxygen, the white blood cells we use to fight infection, and the platelets we need to help our blood clot.

Cancer can weaken the immune system by spreading into the bone marrow. The cancer can stop the bone marrow from making so many blood cells.

Certain cancer treatments can temporarily weaken the immune system. Cancer treatments that are more likely to weaken the immune system are: chemotherapy, targeted cancer drugs, radiotherapy, high dose of steroids.


The thymus is a small, triangular-shaped organ located in the chest, behind the breastbone. It is part of the lymphatic system, which also includes the spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and lymph vessels.

The thymus produces the white blood cells called T-lymphocytes (or T cells), which circulate in the blood and lymphatic vessels. T cells are important for the immune response and play a central role in protecting the body against infection.

The thymus filters and monitors your blood content. If it finds anything abnormal, it produces T cells to fight the invader. The thymus is most active during childhood and adolescence, when the immune system is developing. After puberty, the thymus begins to shrink and produce fewer T cells.

What are the different types of immunity?

There are three types of immunity: innate, adaptive, and passive. Innate immunity is the first line of defense against foreign substances. The body’s barriers, such as the skin and mucous membranes, prevent most foreign substances from entering the body. If a foreign substance does enter the body, the innate immune system will attempt to destroy it.

The adaptive immune system develops when a person is infected with a foreign substance. This kind of immunity is usually long-lasting. It becomes stronger on exposure to different pathogens. The adaptive immune system produces antibodies to destroy the virus next time it appears.

Passive immunity is when you get antibodies from somebody else. Some people get passive immunity through blood products that contain antibodies. This kind of immunity only lasts for a few weeks or months.

How do our bodies build immunity to infections?

Our bodies build immunity to infections in several ways. One way is through exposure to germs. When we come into contact with germs, our bodies make antibodies to help fight the infection.

Another way is through vaccination. Vaccines work with the immune system to protect us from disease.

A third way is through passive immunity. Passive immunity is when we receive antibodies from another person. This can happen when a mother breastfeeds her baby.

Breast milk contains proteins, fats, sugars, and antibodies that help build your baby’s immune system. Mothers make antibodies to help fight infections when they come into contact with germs. Breastfed babies have fewer infections and get better more quickly than formula-fed babies.

However, breastfeeding cannot protect your baby from life-threatening infections. Medical experts recommend formula for mothers who are unable to breastfeed or choose not to breastfeed.

Passive immunity protects infants during their early life when their own immune system is not yet fully developed. Infants are protected from some infections during their infancy by the antibodies they receive from their mothers either through breastfeeding or via injections given shortly after birth.”

How does the immune response work to protect us from infection?

The immune response works to protect us from infection by generating a type of allergic reaction. Allergic reactions are associated with a type of immune system cell, called a mast cell.

Mast cells can be found in large numbers just beneath our skin and the linings of our respiratory, digestive, and genital tracts.

When a mast cell is activated — either by a parasite or in the case of allergic reactions, by a non-infectious agent perceived to be a pathogen — it releases a chemical called histamine.

Histamine causes inflammation, recruits white blood cells to the area, increases mucus production and blood flow, and may also cause muscular contraction in an attempt to expel the pathogen.

Mast cells that line the respiratory and digestive systems are responsible for muscle contractions that cause coughing, sneezing, vomiting and diarrhea.

Mast cells not only require a pathogen, but they also rely on linkages with IgE or IgG antibodies to activate an immune response. The type of allergic response generated is characterized by the type of antibody the mast cell is associated with when it is activated:

Immediate hypersensitivity reactions involve IgE antibodies

These are the more common type of allergic reaction, causing conditions such as:

  • g., pollens), foods and medications
  • Eczema
  • Anaphylactic reactions

Symptoms can be minor nuisances or require emergency intervention, such as shots of epinephrine or emergency medical interventions.

What is the role of antibodies in immunity?

Antibodies are proteins that are produced by the immune system in response to antigens. Antigens are foreign proteins that trigger the production of antibodies and high levels of antibodies are a sign of a healthy and normal functioning immune system.

The immune system is able to recognize and ignore the body’s own cells, but sometimes it mistakes them for foreign invaders. When this happens, autoantibodies are produced. Autoantibodies are typically produced in response to foreign proteins or substances.

Vaccines are concentrations of infectious agents that render organisms impotent or incapable of causing infection. Active immunization occurs when a person is exposed to a microbe naturally, such as through contact with an infected person. In passive immunization, pre-made antibodies are introduced into the body. Passive immunization usually occurs through injection of concentrated antibodies or receipt of blood from an immune individual.

The next time, the immune response is very efficient against this microbe; this is the case in many of childhood infections that only occur once but are then immunized against passively through receipt of maternal antibodies or vaccination.

What are some common vaccines?

Some common vaccines are those that protect against allergic diseases, infectious diseases, and cancer.

Helpful ways to strengthen your immune system and fight off disease

There are several things you can do to help keep your immune system strong and fight off infection.

Eating a healthy diet is important for overall health, and it can also help boost your immune system. Make sure to include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet. You should also try to limit processed foods and sugary drinks.

In addition to eating a healthy diet, you can also take supplements to boost your immune system. Vitamin C is a good option, as it’s known to help fight off infection. You can also take probiotics or omega-3 fatty acids supplements.

Making lifestyle changes can also improve your immune system. If you smoke, quitting is one of the best things you can do for your health. Getting regular exercise and getting enough sleep are also important for a healthy immune system

Strengthening your immune system the healthy way

The concept of boosting immunity makes little sense scientifically. The body produces many more lymphocytes than it can possibly use. These cells are constantly being generated and destroyed. When you get sick, it is not because your immune system is weak, but because the pathogen is strong enough to overwhelm the immune system.

Attempting to boost the cells of your immune system is especially complicated because there are so many different kinds of cells in the immune system that respond to so many different microbes in so many ways. No one knows how many cells or what the best mix of cells the immune system needs to function at its optimum level.

There is still much that researchers don’t know about the intricacies and interconnectedness of the immune response. However, there are some general healthy-living strategies that make sense since they likely help immune function.

There are no scientifically proven direct links between lifestyle and enhanced immune function. However, general healthy-living strategies make sense since they likely help immune function.There are a few key ways to help keep your immune system strong and healthy:

  • Eat a diet high in fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and minerals that are essential for the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Exercise regularly. Exercise helps to circulate the lymphatic fluid, which contains white blood cells that help fight infection.
  • Maintain a healthy weight. Obesity has been linked with an increased risk of developing chronic inflammation, which can weaken the immune system.
  • Get adequate sleep. Sleep is important for overall health and well-being, and it is also critical for the proper functioning of the immune system.
  • Wash your hands frequently and cook meats thoroughly. Both of these practices help to prevent the spread of bacteria and viruses.
  • Try to minimize stress. Stress can weaken the immune system by causing inflammation throughout the body
  • avoid smoking and excessive alcohol consumption.

Aging and the Immune system

The effectiveness of the immune system diminishes with age, which in turn contributes to more infections and a greater risk of developing some form of cancer.

Older people are more likely to contract infectious diseases and, even more importantly, more likely to die from them. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that each year approximately 2.8 million adults over the age of 65 experience serious illness from an infectious disease. Pneumonia, influenza, and other respiratory infections are particularly dangerous for this population.

The immune system is less effective when fighting off infection in older people than in younger people. A reduction in immune response to infections has been demonstrated by older people’s response to vaccines. For example, the influenza vaccine is only about half as effective in adults over the age of 65 as it is in younger adults. In addition, it takes longer for older adults to develop immunity after vaccination than younger adults.

Older people are also more likely to have micronutrient malnutrition due to their diet. Micronutrients are vitamins and minerals that are essential for proper functioning of the immune system. Older adults should discuss dietary supplements with their doctor to maintain a healthier immune system.

Your immune system and diet

Diet can affect your immune system. The immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs that work together to protect the body from infection. The cells of the immune system are constantly patrolling the body looking for foreign invaders, such as bacteria and viruses. When they find one, they release chemicals to alert the rest of the immune system.

Deficiencies of certain micronutrients can alter immune responses in animals. For example, vitamin A deficiency has been shown to decrease the number of white blood cells and increase susceptibility to infections. Vitamin E deficiency impairs the function of natural killer cells, which are a type of white blood cell that helps to fight viral infections.

There is still relatively few studies of the effects of nutrition on the immune system of humans. However, there is some evidence that certain vitamins and minerals may boost immunity in people with deficiencies. For example, vitamin C supplements may help people with deficiencies recover from colds faster. Taking megadoses of a single vitamin does not have any beneficial effects on the immune system.

Herbs and supplements to improve immunity

There is currently no evidence that herbs or supplements improve immunity to the point where you are better protected against infection and disease. Scientists don’t know whether an herb that raises the levels of antibodies in the blood is actually doing anything beneficial for overall immunity.

Your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. Sometimes your immune system fails and a germ invades successfully and makes you sick.

On the whole, your immune system does a remarkable job of defending you against disease-causing microorganisms. However, it is possible to intervene in this process and boost your immune system by improving your diet, taking certain vitamins or herbal preparations, making other lifestyle changes, or all of the above.


The immune system is a vital part of our bodies that helps protect us from infection and disease. However, sometimes our immune system can become overactive and cause problems. Ormus can help to support a healthy immune system and help keep your body

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The immune system is a complex and amazing system that protects us from harm. There are many ways to boost our immune system, including diet, exercise, and supplements. Ormus is a great supplement to consider if you are looking for an immune system boost.

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Denis Cooney making Ormus